Tag Archives: Leverage

Nicklaus Shows What’s Been Lost (Leverage)

I’ve taken Jack Nicklaus’ driver swing from the Masters in 1963 to illustrate the power of hip & leg action regarding the leveraging of the golf swing, something that has been lost with both the Modern Golf Swing models & the Flying Foot Syndrome.

It would likely surprise modern golf students to learn that what makes it so difficult to get a 90 degree shoulder turn at the top with a planted leading heel is also what makes the Classic Golf Swing so effortless in power production via leverage.

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Weight Distribution & Rotation In The Swing

I have talked about how rotation is the enemy of gravity, and for some this may seem strange, as the popular opinion is that one must rotate in the golf swing.

That opinion is wrong, mechanically-speaking, and I’ll show you an example in the extreme to illustrate the difference between a proper rotation around the supporting leg over rotating in place during a swing.

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The Trailing Arm As A Piston In The Ideal Swing Motion

I spent year upon head-clanging year “pulling” my golf swing with the leading arm, and am just now getting comfortable with a purely trailing arm swing action.

I mentioned in my last post that I have set my swing aid to a difficulty setting that simply will not snap unless I’m swinging with a pure trailing arm motion.

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It’s All About The Leverage & Using Gravity

The difference in speed and power production when you properly use leverage and gravity versus when you don’t, is massive.

The entire point of building an optimal setup from the ground up is to maximize the benefits of leverage and gravity, and that includes the grip, of course.

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Another Clue – Easy & Hard Swings Look Alike

I have continued to work on the swing model and am currently just doing speed work with the swing aid to prepare for my next swing session.

One thing I’ve noticed is that, since I came up with the stance and mechanical action for my re-made swing, I would likely swing exactly the same way whether I was making a smooth swing on the course or trying to pound the cover off the ball.

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Where Leverage Is Created In The Classic Golf Swing

You all know my opinions on the Modern Golf Swing, the primary three being that a) it’s mechanically unsound, which is the only disqualifier one should need, b) it’s not as efficient in generating power through leverage and 3) it requires nonstop practice to maintain.

I can show you with a simple gif. moving image whence the leverage derives in the Classic Golf Swing, and why the Modern swing mechanics fall short of it.

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Setup + Pivot + Leg Action = Maximum Speed & Power

I wrote a post a few weeks ago about how I’d been looking at Jack Nicklaus’ very vigorous and aggressive leg action and that I think it’s the way one must perform one’s leg and hip action for maximum efficiency.

In the intervening two months, I’ve been looking at the setup and the pivot itself (not the leg action, but the back swing pivot angle with regards to arms and hands going back), and while doing that, I re-affirmed the overwhelming importance of that leg and hip action.

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My “John Daly Swing” Wasn’t Bad, Leverage-Wise

Back in 2016, I had a swing that largely resembled John Daly’s with regards to the back swing length and top position, and I’m curious about one thing.

That thing would, could I match the club and ball speed I was generating back then with the new, rebuilt swing upon which I’ve been working the last year?

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Brandel Chamblee Is Correct (But Also Incorrect) In This Excellent Clip

I found this pretty good short clip from Brandel Chamblee on the Classic Golf Swing pivot – although he can be rather controversial on television and a little contradictory at times (he’s always loved and praised Tiger Woods’ various swing models, all of which are Modern and completely unsound as TW’s injury list can attest to), he is pretty sound on swing mechanics, generally speaking.

I’ll say right now about the title – I don’t believe in “magic moves,” as that implies there is something special about swinging a golf club when it’s simple stance and mechanics – any “magic move” is nothing more than mechanically-sound motion.

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Rory’s Driving Accuracy Pt 2

Having had a depressing look at the current state of affairs in today’s pro game with driving accuracy, I was actually a little but not very surprised that Rory McIlroy came in 157th on the Tour, because I didn’t know this until I had looked at his driver swing.

When I saw what he was doing, I thought to myself, “he can’t be hitting that many fairways with this move,” and proved myself right when I went looking for the just-completed season’s driving stats.

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