Category Archives: Pivot

Al Geiberger – The Original “Mr. 59” & The Swing

I don’t think I’ve ever showcased Al Geiberger, the original “Mr. 59” and someone who had a golf swing model that was near bang-on, as you will observe.

There are only a couple of critiques I would have of the setup and pivot action but, other than that, there’s not really anything at which to pick.

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Nicklaus Shows What’s Been Lost (Leverage)

I’ve taken Jack Nicklaus’ driver swing from the Masters in 1963 to illustrate the power of hip & leg action regarding the leveraging of the golf swing, something that has been lost with both the Modern Golf Swing models & the Flying Foot Syndrome.

It would likely surprise modern golf students to learn that what makes it so difficult to get a 90 degree shoulder turn at the top with a planted leading heel is also what makes the Classic Golf Swing so effortless in power production via leverage.

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My Old MCS Swing Down The Line & What May Change

I found a swing from a session back in July of 2021 and am looking forward to comparing how my mechanical action looks down the line in comparison to now.

I’ve made the complete transition to a right-dominant throwing action and, although the swing below is a very passable action, driving the ball past 300 yards, it was still very “pulling” with the left arm.

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Weight Distribution & Rotation In The Swing

I have talked about how rotation is the enemy of gravity, and for some this may seem strange, as the popular opinion is that one must rotate in the golf swing.

That opinion is wrong, mechanically-speaking, and I’ll show you an example in the extreme to illustrate the difference between a proper rotation around the supporting leg over rotating in place during a swing.

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They Got To Phil – Mickelson Now Embracing The Flying Foot Syndrome (Face Palm Edition)

I said a couple of years ago that I would tone down my aggressive rhetoric when discussing the Modern Golf Swing and all of its madness.

I am only human however and sometimes I just can’t sugarcoat my despair about how I regularly trip over incredible golf videos and articles, and by incredible I mean, I can’t believe what I’m watching and reading.

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Another Clue – Easy & Hard Swings Look Alike

I have continued to work on the swing model and am currently just doing speed work with the swing aid to prepare for my next swing session.

One thing I’ve noticed is that, since I came up with the stance and mechanical action for my re-made swing, I would likely swing exactly the same way whether I was making a smooth swing on the course or trying to pound the cover off the ball.

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How Depressing – 10 “Amazing” Swings, Not One Mechanically-Sound

Grumpy Post Warning: I had no idea when I clicked on the following YouTube video that it would so depress me.

I mean, 10 “Amazing” golf swings, there’s got to be at least a few swings that would be mechanically-sound, right?


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Golf Digest & The X Factor Prepare To Ruin A New Generation Of Young Backs

The video from Golf Digest is called The Science Behind Gordon Sargent’s Insane Swing Speed, but I’ll just call it what it is – A Recipe For Disaster.

I’ve already (long ago) pointed out that any real science that looks at the X Factor notion of Jim McLean infamy concludes that it is physically unsound and puts golfers at a higher risk of back injury, but why quibble?

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Almost An “A” But Gets An “F” From Me On The Top 10 Fundamentals Of The Golf Swing

Have you ever heard the concept of, “so close to being great, but one omission makes it a failing grade?”

That’s my opinion on the article featuring Kellie Stenzel, outlining the top ten fundamentals needed for a great golf swing.

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Golf.Com Uses Bryson To Re-Invent The Wheel (Classic Swing Principles)

It seems someone at woke up from a decades-long slumber to discover that Bryson DeChambeau’s prodigious power and length off the tee come from basic swing fundamentals that have been around since the days of… well, forever.

In an article I came across today, there was an expectation before I clicked on the link, from the headline, that something juicy and secret was about to be shared.

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