Monthly Archives: February 2024

My Observations On The Old Classic Grip (Nicklaus et al.) – This Could Destroy Modern Golf Instruction

I would love nothing more than to have figured out what made the old Classic Golf Swing grip so effective and to at the same time stick a dagger in the Modern Golf Swing instruction scam.

To wit: Imagine that the grip change from the old Classic era along with the restricted-hip pivot are why people have so much difficulty making a proper and athletic swing at the ball.

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The Grip IS Important, But I’m Exploring Less Than Super-Weak

I have been discussing Jack Nicklaus’ 1963 setup, swing and grip for some time as you all know, and I concluded that his grip in this setup was optimal.

The question however would be, is it optimal, period?  Or was it optimal because of the way he set up over the ball, and would a stronger grip than his work as well in a slightly different setup?

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