Tag Archives: Jack Nicklaus

Nicklaus Shows What’s Been Lost (Leverage)

I’ve taken Jack Nicklaus’ driver swing from the Masters in 1963 to illustrate the power of hip & leg action regarding the leveraging of the golf swing, something that has been lost with both the Modern Golf Swing models & the Flying Foot Syndrome.

It would likely surprise modern golf students to learn that what makes it so difficult to get a 90 degree shoulder turn at the top with a planted leading heel is also what makes the Classic Golf Swing so effortless in power production via leverage.

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Re-Post About Jack Nicklaus vs Tiger Woods Eras

Back in June 2013, I posted the following on my old blog DJ Watts Golf (I’ve edited it slightly due to its age) about the ever-raging debate about who was greater, Jack Nicklaus or Tiger Woods:

Someone finally had the wherewithal to do some number-crunching to put to rest the old canard that even if he never wins 18 majors, Tiger Woods is still better than Jack Nicklaus because Tiger won his majors against “better players” and “deeper fields.”

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The Grip IS Important, But I’m Exploring Less Than Super-Weak

I have been discussing Jack Nicklaus’ 1963 setup, swing and grip for some time as you all know, and I concluded that his grip in this setup was optimal.

The question however would be, is it optimal, period?  Or was it optimal because of the way he set up over the ball, and would a stronger grip than his work as well in a slightly different setup?

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The Genius Of The ’63 Nicklaus Setup

I am tempted to say that if Jack Nicklaus had swung his entire career with just one adjustment to his 1963 swing model (narrowing the stance), he would likely have won everything under the sun much as Byron Nelson did before retiring in his prime.

Nelson, if you don’t know, had set the PGA Tour record for consecutive Tour wins (11) and wins in a single season (18), both in the 1945 season, at the end of which he retired to pursue his true love – farming.

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Nicklaus’ Head Motion Was A Turn & Not A Shift

Here’s something neat that I’ve recently worked out about the Nicklaus head turn before he began his back pivot – it wasn’t a shift, just a turn.

If you already knew that, here’s the catch – it wasn’t to “get his head out of the way of the shoulder turn” as people have stated in their analysis – it was simply that his final setup component was to put his head where it was supposed to be at impact.

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The Secret Of Jack Nicklaus’ Grip Cont’d

I made mention of Jack’s grip a little while back and that I was still looking into it, and I believe I have just figured out what made him so powerful and yet so accurate simultaneously.

Take a look at his 1963 grip at a time where he was becoming dominant – he won six events that year and the only year in which he won more events was in 1973, video of which I’m trying to hunt down to look at his stance and grip for a comparison.

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Following The Evidence – The Nicklaus Head Shift

I should perhaps at the outset of this posting provide a caveat of sorts – when I say that Jack Nicklaus’ swing model was the closest I’ve seen to the optimal Classic Golf Swing, I mean a certain version.

His swing changed over the years with regards to his setup and sometimes it was not even a good one, let alone close to optimal – yes, even the Golden Bear strayed away from his principles at times, by his own admission.

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Swinging – Think Of “Vertical” Rather Than “Rotary”

It’s probably not a coincidence that Jack Nicklaus was the greatest major champion of the PGA Tour’s history.

I say that because his swing model, out of all the greatest champions, was the most vertical – in fact, it was always pointed out how vertical it was, flying elbow and all.

That, in my opinion, was always his greatest strength and not a potential flaw, and I’ll explain.

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Nicklaus’ Pivot Action Produced The Power (Hips & Legs)

For all of the analysis that has gone into Jack Nicklaus’ golf swing – that is, before the Modern Golf Swing madness took over the instruction world and all of the swings from Bobby Jones’ to Nicklaus’ disappeared forever from The Golf Channel – the engine driving his power was not properly looked into.

You hear about his power fade and how Nicklaus had the “flying elbow,” but what about his actual pivot action?

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Jack Nicklaus + Patty Sheehan = Awesome Setups

You’ll remember my looking at a particular Jack Nicklaus setup from back in the 60’s and how I declared it nearly optimal, except for the extra wide stance?

Well, don’t look now, but the more you compare certain things in setups of great swingers, the more you see how you should be doing it yourself.

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