Category Archives: Jim Mclean

Golf Digest & The X Factor Prepare To Ruin A New Generation Of Young Backs

The video from Golf Digest is called The Science Behind Gordon Sargent’s Insane Swing Speed, but I’ll just call it what it is – A Recipe For Disaster.

I’ve already (long ago) pointed out that any real science that looks at the X Factor notion of Jim McLean infamy concludes that it is physically unsound and puts golfers at a higher risk of back injury, but why quibble?

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Why You Can’t Learn Ben Hogan’s Swing (And Update With Jordan Spieth)

Originally Posted June 27, 2014, and this is likely one of the videos that annoyed me enough and eventually led to the Wax Golf’s “Ben Hogan Project.”

I will let you know when the original post from June 2014 begins.

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