Category Archives: Leading Side Leverage

Nicklaus Shows What’s Been Lost (Leverage)

I’ve taken Jack Nicklaus’ driver swing from the Masters in 1963 to illustrate the power of hip & leg action regarding the leveraging of the golf swing, something that has been lost with both the Modern Golf Swing models & the Flying Foot Syndrome.

It would likely surprise modern golf students to learn that what makes it so difficult to get a 90 degree shoulder turn at the top with a planted leading heel is also what makes the Classic Golf Swing so effortless in power production via leverage.

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The Trailing Arm As A Piston In The Ideal Swing Motion

I spent year upon head-clanging year “pulling” my golf swing with the leading arm, and am just now getting comfortable with a purely trailing arm swing action.

I mentioned in my last post that I have set my swing aid to a difficulty setting that simply will not snap unless I’m swinging with a pure trailing arm motion.

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2015 – When The MCS Classic Golf Swing Was Born

I have dug up a couple of driver swings from May of 2015, which was the first year of the MCS Classic Golf Swing model as it is today (with one change from 2015).

In the summer of 2014 I had begun my “Ben Hogan Project,” which gave me so much insight into Hogan’s true pivot action (not the one presented on television and in print or online from clueless pundits) that I implemented it into my model orthodoxy.

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Driving The Ball 350 Yards With My Left Arm

You may ask me why I have fought so hard to fix my left-dominant right-handed golf swing if I could drive the ball 350 yards and beyond doing it that way.

In a word, because I hate disasters.

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Are You Swinging Leading Arm-Dominant?

Moving on from the discussion of what swinging with the leading arm dominant actually means – what problems can arise when swinging with the left arm in a right-handed swing?

And more importantly, are you a non-cross person yet suspect you’re swinging with the wrong arm dominant?

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Cross-Dominance In A Golf Swing

One of the reasons I’m excited about my swing research this season is that I am confident (until proof either way) that I’ve solved my cross-dominance issue.

In fact, I am fairly certain (because I’ve always been cross-dominant) that I’ve actually never performed a proper golf swing, mechanically.

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This Is Special – And Completely Bogus

Right at the outset, I’m going to give the gentleman doing the analysis and explanation of Bryson DeChambeau’s “pull up, pull down” approach to the swing a break – he’s a PhD but not in the field of Kinesiology or anything else sports related, so he’s a layman here.

That’s important – they really try to pull a fast one here on the viewer by introducing “Dr. XYZ, PhD for the segment, when he essentially wouldn’t be any more of an expert in the discussion than anyone else.

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More Musings – New Model Turbo Boosts The “Drop & Pop?”

One of the visuals or “feels” that has survived the MCS Classic Golf Swing era for me is the “Drop & Pop.”

Of course, this makes perfect sense as the optimal golf swing would have zero impeding factors in helping the club face get to the bottom of the golf swing arc.

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Jack Nicklaus’ Power – Watch The Weight Shift

I’ve broken that long iron swing of Jack Nicklaus’ from yesterday’s post down into the 2 separate components of the back pivot (loading the trebuchet) and the down swing weight shift (leveraging the trebuchet).

This weekend, you’ll be able to watch all you want of today’s pro players contorting themselves trying to generate power from every wrong way, and you can compare them to Nicklaus’ weight shift leveraging his power effortlessly.

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